What is the importance of monetary policy?
What are the two goals of the Federal Reserve?
How do interest rates get regulated?
What does Expansionary Policy mean?
What does Contractionary Policy mean?
Parkview's Economics instruction/discussion board provides interaction between the instructor and the students to discuss fundamental economic concepts, apply the tools (graphs, statistics, equations) from other subject areas to the understanding of operations and institutions of economic systems. Students will study in a historic context, the basic economic principles of micro- and macroeconomics, international economics, comparative economic systems, measurement, and methods.
What is the importance of monetary policy?
What are the two goals of the Federal Reserve?
How do interest rates get regulated?
What does Expansionary Policy mean?
What does Contractionary Policy mean?
What factors may cause the costs of government actions to outweigh the benefits? List two examples of this occurring and why they are important for individuals to be aware of these costs. Use newspaper articles, business articles, or any local information you have on hand to support your answer.
Min word count: 150
Students' task this week will be to analyze the elements of America's market economy in a global setting. Students will need to research the American economy and how it has set itself up as being a contender with other countries. Students should also use past lessons to help them answer the following question. Look at information not only from your classes. Remember that if you use any outside sources, please cite them in your response.
How has Adam Smith's model of economics impacted the current American economy? Who are America's current contenders in the global market, and how do you think they will impact the supply and demand of what Americans would want globally.
Pick one of the following resources to highlight your point in your discussion post. Oil, Gas, Farming (Crop or Animal Production), and/or Logging are just some items to look at, if you know any others you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to use them.
Use the video or any other information that can help you with your response
1) Discuss the effects of changes in supply and/or demand on the relative scarcity, price, and quantity of particular products.
2) Explain how prices reflect the relative scarcity of goods and services and perform the allocative function in a market economy.
Key Terms Economics Study Guide Key Terms-Final Review Directions: Review the key terms listed below. Select 10 terms you are not familiar...